Community Based Services

NOTE: As of Feb. 29, 2024, Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC) has rebranded to Landmarks for Families. Our nonprofit, community programs and residential services remain committed to cultivating thriving youth and families in this new chapter.

Carolina Youth Development Center’s Strengthening Families program serves 270 families annually who are identified as having risk factors in the home that could potentially result in child abuse or neglect if not addressed.Two Teen Girls Smiling Stock Photo  

Families such as Sarah Brown’s,* a single mother of two girls, aged fifteen and eleven. Her daughters, Laquisha and Lovey,* are vibrant, well-behaved young women. However, Sarah and her girls are in crisis.

Sarah is working two jobs and barely scrapes together enough money to pay the bills. She receives no financial help from Laquisha and Lovey’s father.

Sarah works diligently to ensure that Laquisha and Lovey have as much as she can provide, but the family is at risk of child neglect if their financial circumstances are left unaddressed.

CYDC has stepped forward on behalf of the family: Our staff visited the Brown family, performed a risk assessment, and created a family plan to address needs and goals and help the family stay together.

Strengthening Families also partners with the Department of Social Services to work with tri-county families such as Sarah’s and connect them to the resources they need to help improve their living situation.

Please make a gift online of any amount this holiday season and you can help us serve more families such as Sarah Brown’s, who may lack the means, but want nothing more than to provide the best possible life for their children.

*Not their real names


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CYDC is now Landmarks for Families!

For more than 230 years, we have guided neighbors toward stronger, hopeful futures and now we’re evolving too. We’re grateful to enter this new chapter with you. Welcome to Landmarks for Families!