Our Family Education and Support programs aim to connect families, build support networks and enhance social involvement. These programs help support children and families through relationship and skill building, which are foundations of protective factors that contribute to thriving families.
Services include Parent Education & Support, Summer Programs, After-School Programs, Teen Skill-Building and Grief Support. These programs are offered in schools, at community facilities, or on one of our campuses. To learn more about these programs, please click on the link below or select from the drop-down menu above.
Landmarks for Families offers a variety of workshops, groups and one-on-one aid to caregivers and families seeking knowledge, support and skill building.
The Freedom Schools® program fosters environments that support scholars – grades K-6 – to excel and believe in their ability to make a difference in themselves, their families and the world.
Landmarks for Families’ Teen After-School Centers (TASC) provide youth with a safe, supportive and supervised environment offering positive engagement.
The Listening and Led by Youth in Foster Care: Grief, Hope, and Transitions (L.Y.G.H.T.) program is a peer grief support group that honors, supports, and listens to youth touched by foster care.
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CYDC is now Landmarks for Families!
For more than 230 years, we have guided neighbors toward stronger, hopeful futures and now we’re evolving too. We’re grateful to enter this new chapter with you. Welcome to Landmarks for Families!