NOTE: As of Feb. 29, 2024, Carolina Youth Development Center (CYDC) has rebranded to Landmarks for Families. Our nonprofit, community programs and residential services remain committed to cultivating thriving youth and families in this new chapter.
Prepared for the Classroom

It’s that time of year again, school is back in session! Our children started a new year of learning on August 15, and thanks to a number of generous individuals and businesses in the community, our kids had all the supplies they needed to focus on what is most important-learning! In Berkeley County, Callen-Lacey Center supporters rallied around our Facebook call to action and donated clothing and school supplies for every single child and then some.
To meet the needs of our main CYDC campus in North Charleston, Phish Labs coordinated a school supplies donation drive that addressed every youth’s wish list with more to spare, in the very likely event that new kids arrive and are lacking school supplies. Valerie Howell and her friends took care of our CYDC children’s school uniforms. The spirit of generosity in our community never ceases to amaze us. Thanks to our supporters for ensuring that our youth were prepared for the classroom from day one.

Every day in the afternoons when our children return home from school and get settled, they head over to the computer lab in our Bakker Career Center to work on homework assignments. On August 23, our School Liaison Miranda Burton captured a few pics of our studious youngsters working diligently on their homework (photo, right). It’s no secret that education is the key to unlocking success! Here’s to a successful year of academic achievements for our children!